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FBE301 Fallen Elf Bolt Throwers and Crew x6 (10mm)


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This pack contains six Fallen Elf bolt throwers and twelve crew.

The Fallen Elves are an extremely dangerous race. At some point in the past, lost to human history, something caused the Elven city of Na-Teth to go bad. That is not to say that you don't find bad apples among other Elves but this City made a conscious and wilful choice to abandon decency and take up the cause of evil.

Elves are among the most skilful of warriors and when they lose all self-restraint they are truly dangerous. The noted strategist Lord Marcham wrote of the Fallen Elves, 'if ever you encounter the scouts of the Elves who have fallen to the dark kill them before they can bring down hell itself upon you'.